Institute of Bioengineering

Copenhagen Laboratory Automation Network event in Denmark.

Vice Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Co-Coordinator of DigiBio project Ilona Faustova, Director of Estonian Biofoundry Vallo Varik visited Danish Technical University (DTU), DTU Biosustain Biofoundry, and took part in Copenhagen Laboratory Automation Network event in  Copenhagen, Denmark.


At the Copenhagen Automation Network conference the topics of integrating of automation processes and AI into biofoundry framework were discussed. 


During their stay, Dr. Faustova and Dr. Varik met with the heads of departments of DTU Biosustain Biofoundry to exchange the experience and get insights in how to establish the efficient biofoundry in Estonia. Representatives of DTU Biosustain Biofoundry shared how their biofoundry is structured and operated, what we have to take into account and  which mistakes try to avoid.

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Estonia Biofoundry representatives and their partners

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Representatives of Estonia

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